This gull had a remarkable day catching rock crabs on the shores of Guemes Island, WA. I spent hours observing the gull as it searched for and caught rock crabs. When the event is photographed, the style and technique in catching crabs can be clearly seen.

Once a crab has been located, the gull keeps an eye on it and pushes off for the dive. With more foot action, it drives itself downward.

The gull then ascends with its meal in tow. This is not always a successful endeavor, as they are often pinched. When this occurs, the gull initiates the diving process once more.

Proud of its catch, the gull heads to shore, hoping not to be seized again.

Onshore, the rock crab becomes somewhat aggressive and attempts to seize the gull.

The gull employs a special technique for picking up the crab without getting pinched. One simply needs to turn their head upside-down.

You know what happens now, dinner time!

This is what can occur occasionally when the gull is using the upside-down catch!

© Chris LeBoutillier


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